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Academic Writings

1) Astronomy and Astrophysics (9 papers)

2) Spatial and Temporal Data Handling (28 papers)

3) Design, Culture and Interactive Arts (52 papers)

4) Vulnerability and Social Science (1 paper)

5) Distributed Sensor Networks and Internet of Things (1 paper)

6) Image Classification, Segmentation and Pattern Recognition (47 papers)

7) Rehabilitation and Health Science (60 papers)

8) Spatial Reasoning, Linguistics and Cognitive Geomatics (26 papers)

8) Visioning (24 papers)

10) Miscellaneous (3 papers)

Total of 252 papers

1) Astronomy and Astrophysics (9 papers)

Beauchemin, M., E. F. Borra and G. Edwards. (1990). A Homogeneous Catalogue of Quasar Candidates Found With Slitless Spectroscopy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 247 : 182-199.

Edwards, G., M. Beauchemin, and E.F. Borra. (1988). Automated Analysis of Slitless Spectra II. Quasars, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 100(624) : 266-278.

Borra, E.F., M. Beauchemin, D. Brousseau, G. Edwards, L. Grondin, and F. Petrucci (1987). Automated Analysis of Slitless Specrtra. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 99(535).

Borra, E.F., G. Edwards, F. Petrucci, M. Beachemin, L. Grondin, D. Brousseau and A. Beaulieu. (1987) Automated analysis of slitless spectra. I – Software, algorithms, and calibrations, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 99(616) : 535-551.

Borra, E.F., G. Edwards and F. Petrucci. (1985). Photoelectric B and V sequences to 21st magnitude in 17 medium- and high- galactic latitude regions, The Astronomical Journal

Edwards, G., E.F. Borra and E. H. Hardy (1985). On the extendedness of faint ultraviolet excess quasar candidates. Astrophysical Journal 289(2) : 446-450.

Borra, E. F., G. Edwards and M. Mayor. (1984). The magnetic fields of late-type stars. Astrophysical Journal 284 : 211-222.

Edwards, G., E.F. Borra and E.H. Hardy. (1982). A search for quasars at very faint magnitudes. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Morbey, C.L., J. M. Fletcher and G. Edwards. (1978). Photoelectric Observations of Lunar Occulations at the D.A.O., Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 72(6) ; 305-308.

2) Spatial and Temporal Data Handling (28 papers)

Ciobanu, D.-L., S. Roche, F. Joerin & G. Edwards, 2006, Vers une intégration des SIG participatifs aux processus de design urbain délibératifs, Revue internationale de géomatique, Volume 16(2), 249-267.

Marchand, P., A. Brisebois, Y. Bédard et  G. Edwards, 2003.  Implementation and evaluation of a hypercube-based method for spatio-temporal exploration and analysis,  Journal of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) theme issue "Advanced techniques for analysis of geo-spatial data" dans la catégorie" multi-scale hierarchies of spatial operators".

Fortin, M.J., R.J. Olson, S. Ferson, L. Iverson, C. Hunsaker,  G. Edwards,  D.  Levine,  K.  Butera,  V. Klemas, 2000. Issues related to the detection of boundaries. Landscape Ecology, vol. 15, no5, p.453-466.

Edwards, G. & K.E. Lowell, 1996. Modelling uncertainty in photointerpreted boundaries. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 62, no 4, p. 377-391.

Lowell, K.E., G. Edwards & G. Langran-Kucera, 1996. Modelling heterogeneity and change in natural forests. Geomatica, Journal de l’Association canadienne des sciences géomatiques, vol. 50, no 4, p. 425-440.

Gold, C.M. & G. Edwards, 1992. The Voronoi Spatial Model - Two and three Dimensional Applications in Image Analysis. ITC Journal International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science, vol. 1, p. 11-19.


Fortin, M.-J. &  G. Edwards,  2001.  Delineation and Analysis of Vegetation Boundaries.  Spatial Uncertainty in Ecology. Implantation for Remote Sensing and GIS Applications. Hunsaker Goodchild Friedl Case Editors. (Chap. 8), p. 158-174.

Edwards, G., M. Benmahbous, M. Courteau, T. De Groeve, M. Fortin, I. Reginster, G. Plouffe, T. Roméo, B. Thierry, F. Vincent, 2000.  Spatial error and uncertaintly and the decision-making process. Spatial Data Handling, Beijing, August.

Moulin, B., Y. Bédard, G. Edwards & M. Allouche, 2000. Research Progress on a Cognitive Approach of Spatial Generalization and Multiple Representation.  Proceedings of the Second Annual GEOIDE Conference. From Ideas to Innovation: Geomatics for a new Millennium,, Calgary, Canada, May, 25-26.

Rouabah, S. &  G. Edwards,  2000.  The perception and design of forest spaces for  integrated management.  Proceedings of the Second Annual GEOIDE Conference. From Ideas to Innovation: Geomatics for a new Millennium,,  Calgary,  May, 25-26.

Edwards, G., 1998. Towards a theory of vector error characterisation and propagation. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Quebec, May 20-22.

Allen, E., G. Edwards & Y. Bédard, 1995. Qualitative causal modeling in temporal GIS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT’95, Austria, September, p. 397-412.

Lowell, K.E., G. Edwards & K. Esbensen, 1995. Towards a more human (re)design of digital spatial technologies. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (H1CSS-28), Minitrack on GIS, vol. 4, Maui, Hawaii, Jannary 3-6, p. 123-130.

Edwards, G., 1994. Characterising and maintaining polygons with fuzzy boundaries in geographic information systems. Sixth International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, vol. 1, Edingburgh, September 5-9, p. 223-239.

Edwards, G., 1994. Modelling of fuuzy data: Aggregation and disaggregation of fuzzy polygons for spatial-temporal modeling. Proceedings of the Advanced Geographic Data Modeling Workshop (AGDM'94): Spatial Data Modelling and Query Languages for 2D and 3D Applications, Delft, Netherlands, Sept. 12-16, p. 141-154.

Edwards, G., 1992. Error Minimization in Integrated GIS/IAS System Design. 5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling - IGU Commission on GIS, vol. 1, Charleston, August 3-7, p. 20-29.


Fortin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1997. Intégration de données multisources et propagation des erreurs dans un modèle de vulnérabilité de la nappe d'eau souterraine. Compte rendu du symposium international : La géomatique à l'Ère de Radarsat (GER'97), Ottawa, 25-30 mai, CD-ROM.

Bouchard, C., K.E. Lowell & G. Edwards, 1996. Quantification de l’incertitude spatiale des cartes forestières: Automatisation d’une méthode manuelle. Actes de la 8e Conférence internationale sur la géomatique, Ottawa, 28-30 mai, CD-ROM.

Aubert, E., G. Edwards & K.E. Lowell, 1994. Quantification des erreurs de frontière en photo-interprétation forestière pour le suivi spatio-temporel des peuplements. Actes de la Conférence canadienne sur les SIG, Ottawa, 4-10 juin, p. 195-205.

Edwards, G., 1994. Characterising spatial uncertainty and variability in forest databases. ASPRS Conference on Spatial Data Accuracy in Natural Ressource Databases, Williamsburry, Virginia, May 16-20, p. 88-97.

Bilodeau, J.M., S. Gosselin, G. Edwards, C.M. Gold & K.E. Lowell, 1993. Operation Integration of GPS into Forest Management Activities which use a GIS to Monitor Forest Operations. GIS'93, Eyes on the Future, Vancouver, February 15-18, p. 195-200.

Edwards, G., P. Gagnon & Y. Bédard, 1993. Spatial-Temporal Topology and Casual Mechanisms in Time-Integrated GIS: from Conceptual Model to Implementation Strategies. The Canadian Conference on GIS, Ottawa, 23-25 mars, p. 842-857.

Gagnon, P., Y. BÉdard & G. Edwards, 1992. Fundamentals of Space and Time and their Integration into Forestry Databases. Proceedings of the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations Conference, Canberra, Australia, January 13-17, p. 24-34.

Gagnon, P., Y. Bédard & G. Edwards, 1992. La gestion du temps dans les SIRS: certains concepts fondamentaux. Actes de la Conférence canadienne sur les SIG, Ottawa, 24 au 26 mars, p. 393-405.

Lowell, K.E., C.M. Gold & G. Edwards, 1992. The Next Generation of Digital Spatial Technologies: Error Utilization, Thematic Map and Remote Sensing Integration, Spatial Operators, and Data Structures. Proceedings of the GIS'92 Symposium, Vancouver, February 10-13, 7 p. (no page number).

Lowell, K.E., G. Edwards & C.M. Gold, 1992. Considerations for Adapting Conventional Forest Management Methodologies to a Spatial Framework Using GIS: Data, Statistical Techniques and Errors. Proceedings of the IUFRO Conference 1992, Canberra, Australia, p. 429-439.

Lowell, K.E., G. Edwards & C.M. Gold, 1992. Localizing Forest Management Using GIS and Remote Sensing: the Research Agenda of the Industrial Research Chair in Geomatics with Applications to Forestry. Actes de la ConfÉrence canadienne sur les SIG, Ottawa, 24 au 26 mars, p. 191-201.

Edwards, G., Y. Bédard & Y.M. Ehlers, 1990. Advanced Integration of Remote Sensing Image Analysis With Geographic Information Systems. Actes de la conférence nationale sur les SIG, Ottawa, mars, p. 1574-1584.

3) Design, Culture and Interactive Arts (52 papers)

Edwards, G., J. Kiss, E. Morales, C. McLaren, S. Lacasse, J.N. Falcon, J. Proulx Guimond and M.L. Bourbeau. 2018. Designing an Interactive and Participatory Opera, in Interactive Multimedia (ed. by D. Cvetkovic), Intech Publications, in press.

Edwards, G., 2015, Subversive Pedagogy - The Intruder, Inflexions, 8: 162-184

Edwards, G., and M. A. Mostafavi, 2010, Augmented Body, Environmental Intelligence and 21st Century Fashion, Augmented Reality, InTech book.

Dornic, I., and G. Edwards, 2007, Le partage des émotions ou quand le corps part à la recherche des mémoires : des pistes de réflexion pour l’élaboration de nouvelles orientations dans les arts de la scène , Cahiers du Théâtre, unpublished.

Côté, F., P. Dubé, G. Edwards & M.L. Bourbeau, 2006, Museum, Motion and Emotion in the City, Museum International 58(3): 43-49.

Edwards, G., and M.L. Bourbeau, 2005, Image schemata – a guiding principle for multimodal expression in performance design, International Journal of Performing Arts and Digital Media.

Edwards, G. & C. Tremblay, 1999.  Pour une géométrie de l'intime: la science et la poésie se rencontrent. Nouaison, vol. 1, no 1, pp. 1-30.

Edwards, G., 1989, Le champs poétique – les échoes d’un scientifique, La révue Trois, Volume 5(3), p. 26-32.


Edwards, G., & P. Dubé, 2008, Mixed Reality Applications for Museums : A Case of Reality Inversion?, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Edwards, G., and M. L. Bourbeau, 2007, ICOM Conference on Museums of Cities (CAMOC), Vienna, August.

Bourassa, R., and G. Edwards, 2007, La réalité mixtes, les mondes virtuels et la géomatique : de nouveaux enjeux, Geocongress 2007.


Edwards, G., 2007, Le musée en périphérie – un changement de paradigme?, Invited presentation for the EMUL workshop on museology, Laval University, Quebec City, May 26.

Edwards, G., and M. L. Bourbeau, 2007, Conversations with the Inner Body – Moving Into and Beyond Pain, Invited paper for the Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop in Health Care, Technology and Place, May 4, University of Toronto


Edwards, G., M.L. Bourbeau, R. Dupéré, G. Ligozat and D. Duguay, 2010, Exploring and Reasoning about Perceptual Spaces for Theatre, New Media Installations and the Performing Arts, Chapter in Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space - New Perspectives on Geographic Information Research, édited by Andrew Frank and David Mark, Springer Verlag.

Edwards, G., & M.L. Bourbeau, 2008, Chapter 11: Defining a Research Agenda for City Museums in a Peripheralizaing World », City Museums and City Development (ed. I. Jones), New York: AltaMira Press, pp. 110-128.


Edwards, G. (under the pseudonym « Magellan Egoyan »), 2007, A sense of presence – lessons from an experiment in RL, blog,

Edwards, G. (under the pseudonym « Magellan Egoyan »), 2007, Second Life Sculpture – Beauty and Harmony, blog,

Edwards, G. (under the pseudonym « Magellan Egoyan »), 2007, Second Life Sculpture – Visual Poetry, blog,

Edwards, G., & M. L. Bourbeau, 2006, Cognitive Design Factors for Mixed Reality Environments, First International Conference on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality, Banff, May.

Edwards, G., 2005, La micro-géomatique et les arts de la scène: un usage inusité de la géomatique, La revue Géomètre.


Edwards, G., M.L. Bourbeau, R. Dupéré, G. Ligozat and D. Duguay, 2010, Ulysses – A Geography of Sound, performance involving real time simulation of virtual sound sources, Las Navas, Spain.

Edwards, G., and M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, Virtualities and Culturalities in Dusseldorf, public exhibition, Stadtmuseum Dusseldorf, Germany, April 4-13.

Edwards, G., 2007 (under the pseudonym « Magellan Egoyan »), Kinetic Sculptures in Second Life, Part 1, video blog,

Edwards, G., 2007 (under the pseudonym « Magellan Egoyan »), Kinetic Sculptures in Second Life, Part 2, video blog,

Edwards, G., 2007 (under the pseudonym « Magellan Egoyan »), body or no, video blog,

Bourbeau. M. L., and G. Edwards, 2007, Incarnatus, Video clip.

Bourbeau, M. L., G. Edwards and F. Gasse, 2006, Incarnatus, 20 minute public installation, December

Edwards, G., and M.L. Bourbeau, 2005, Ariadne Emerging, Video clip.

Edwards, G., and M.L. Bourbeau, 2005, Lamento d’Arianna, Video clip.


Edwards, G., 2015, launch of the Infinity Corsets, a collection of 8 corsets

Edwards, G., 2012, launch of the gzip collection of 48 dresses.

Edwards, G., M. L. Bourbeau and D. Duguay, 2008, Virtualities and culturalities in Dusseldorf, 10 day museum exhibition at the Stadtmuseum (city museum) of Dusseldorf.

Bourbeau, M. L., G. Edwards and F. Gasse, 2006, Incarnatus, 20 minute public installation, December 

Edwards, G., 2004, The Egg Garden, a residence at the LANTISS facility at Laval University

Edwards, G. (translator), 1995, Poems of Clarisse Tremblay

Edwards, G., 1990, Un Pas de Plus, Imagine, No. 40 (SF short story)

Tremblay, C., and G. Edwards, 1990, Le projet Icare, diffusé sur les ondes de Radio Canada (short story for radio)

4) Vulnerability and Social Science (1 paper)

Edwards, G. (2019).  Entre utopie et dystopie - facettes paradoxales de la vulnérabilité. dans Réparer les vivants, T. Belleguic (ed.), Hermes: Paris.


5) Distributed Sensor Networks and Internet of Things (1 paper)

Edwards, G. (2017).  Ecological perspectives for last mile mobility: the case for augmented corporality. Embedded Systems and Assistive Technology for Last Mile Mobility. Institute for Computer Science, France, 1-8.

6) Image Classification, Segmentation And Pattern Recognition (47 papers)


Vincent, F., D. Raucoules, T. DeGroeve, G. Edwards and M. Mostafavi, 2004. Monitoring river/sea ice break-up using satellite interferometry : limits and potential, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 25(18), 3555-3571.

Bolduc, P., K.E. Lowell & G. Edwards, 1999. Automated estimation of localized forest volume from large scale aerial photographs and ancillary cartographic information in a boreal forest.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 20, no 18, p. 3611-3624.

Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1996. Edge detection and speckle adaptive filtering for SAR images based on a second-order textural measure. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 17, no 9, p. 1751-1759.

Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1996. Optimization of the Gamma-Gamma MAP filter for SAR image clutters. International Journal of Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 17, no 5, p. 1063-1067.

Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1996. The ratio of the arithmetic to the geometric mean: an efficient first-order statistical test for multi-look SAR image homogeneity. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 34, no 2, p. 604-606.

Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1995. Modeling Forest Stands with MIMICS: Implications for Calibration. Invited paper for special issue of Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing on Radar Applications, vol. 21, no 4, p. 518-526.

Edwards, G. & S. Rioux, 1995. A detailed assessment of relative displacement error in cutover boundaries derived from Airborne C-Band SAR. Invited paper for special issue of Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing on radar applications, vol. 21, no 2, p. 185-197.

Fournier, R.A., G. Edwards & N.R. Eldridge, 1995. A catalogue of potential spatial discriminators for high spatial resolution digital images of individual crowns. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 21, no 3, p. 285-298.

Touré, A., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards, R.J. Brown & B. Brisco, 1994. Adaptation of the Mimics Backscattering Model to the Agricultural Context: Wheat and Canola Cases at L and C Bands. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 32, no 1, p. 47-61.

Ait Belaid, M., J.M. Beaulieu, G. Edwards, A. Jaton & K.P.B. Thomson, 1992. Post-Segmentation Classification of Images Containing Small Agricultural Fields. GEOCARTO International, vol. 7, no 3, p. 53-60.

Touré, A., G. Edwards, K.P.B. Thomson, R. Brown & B. Brisco, 1991. Applying the Mimics Backscattering Model in an Agricultural Context. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 17, no 4, p. 339-347.


Edwards, G.,  2000.  Attentional focus in biresolution visual processing of remotely sensed scenes. Proceedings of the Second Annual GEOIDE Conference. From Ideas to Innovation: Geomatics for a new Millennium,, Calgary, May, 25-26, (poster).

Vincent, F., G. Edwards, R. Santerre & K.P.B. Thomson, 1999. Intégration de l'interférométrie radar et du GPS pour l'étude des changements dynamiques du relief. 9e Congrès annuel de l'Institut Atlantique, Université Laval, Québec, 8-9 juin.

Esbensen, K., G. Edwards & N.R. Eldridge, 1993. Multivariate Image Analysis in Forestry Applications involving High Resolution Airborne Imagery. Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, vol. 2, Tromso, Norway, May, p. 953-963.


Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1997. On the hausdorff concept of distance used for the evaluation of segmentation results in remote sensing. Proceedings of the International Symposium: Geomatics in the Era of Radarsat (GER'97), Ottawa, 25-30 mai, CD-ROM.

Michaud, N., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1997. L'extraction de l'information forestière des données RAS - Projet ADRO No 83: Résultats préliminaires. Compte rendu du symposium international : La géomatique à l'Ère de Radarsat (GER'97), Ottawa, 25-30 mai, CD-ROM.

Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1996. La détection d’arêtes dans les images radar: une approche basée sur les statistiques de rang. Actes du 9e CongrËs de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril - 3 mai, CD-ROM.

Bolduc, P., K.E. Lowell & G. Edwards, 1996. Développement d’une méthode pour estimer localement le volume de bois à l’aide de photographies aériennes numérisées. Actes de la 8e Conférence internationale sur la géomatique, Ottawa, 28-30 mai, CD-ROM.

Edwards, G., 1996. La comparaison de résultats de segmentation et de classification d’image à l’aide des matrices PSE. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.

Fournier, R.A., G. Edwards & R.P. Gauthier, 1996. Une analyse de la réflectance des couverts forestiers de résineux. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.

Fournier, R.A., G. Edwards & R.P. Gauthier, 1996. Geometric-optics forest canopy modelling for high spatial resolution imagery. Proceedings of the Second International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition. Technology, Measurement & Analysis, vol. III, San Francisco, California, June 24-27, p. 436-445.

Michaud, N., M. Beauchemin, K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1996. Synthèse de l’information forestiere contenue dans les images radar de la Forêt Montmorency. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.

Poirier, S.P.E. & G. Edwards, 1996. Regroupement contextuel d’arbres individuels, basé sur la caractéristique des cimes dans les images aéroportées. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.

Pouliot, J., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards & M. Rheault, 1996. Exploitation des images ERS-1 pour la cartographie de la vulnérabilité de la nappe souterraine. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.

Supronowicz, J., G. Edwards, K.P.B. Thomson & A.A. Viau, 1996. Spectral reflectance of forest understorey in various types of forests within the BOREAS North Study Area in Manitoba. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.

Yan, Y.M. & G. Edwards, 1996. Classification des cimes d’arbres individuels à l’aide de photographies aériennes. Actes du 9e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Québec, 30 avril-3 mai, CD-ROM.


Beauchemin, M., K.P.B. Thomson & G. Edwards, 1995. SAR adapted techniques for image analysis. Proceedings, IGARSS’95 Symposium, Firenze, Italy, July 10-14, p. 175-177.

Edwards, G., 1995. Method for assessing local map accuracy in thematic classifications derived from remotely sensed images. Proceedings of 17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelone, September 3-9, p. 1521-1530.

Mancilla, B., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards & M. Beauchemin, 1995. Analysis of factors influencing the visibility of forest clear cuts in radar images. Proceedings of the 17th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Saskatoon, June 13-15, p. 532-535.


Pouliot, J., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards & M. Rheault, 1995. Exploitation des images ERS-1 pour la cartographie de la vulnérabilité de la nappe souterraine. Actes de la Conférence sur l’extraction de paramètres bio-géophysiques à partir de données RSO pour les applications terrestres, Toulouse, 10-13 octobre, 11 p.

Edwards, G., 1993. The Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS: Fundamental Questions and New Approaches. 16th Canadian Symposium of Remote Sensing - 8e congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Sherbrooke, June 7-10, p. 873-878.

Edwards, G., 1993. Image Analysis for Locally Reliable Information. GIS'93, Eyes on the Future, Vancouver, February 15-18, p. 783-790.

Eldridge, N.R. & G. Edwards, 1993. Continuous Tree Class Density Surfaces Derived from High Resolution Digital Image Analysis. GIS'93, Eyes on the Future, Vancouver, February 15-18, p. 947-954.

Eldridge, N.R. & G. Edwards, 1993. Acquiring Localized Forest Inventory Information: Extraction from High Resolution Airborne Digital Images. 16th Canadian Symposium of Remote Sensing - 8e congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Sherbrooke, June 7-10, p. 443-448.

Fournier, R.A., G. Edwards & N.R. Eldridge, 1993. Towards Spatial Species Discriminators for High Resolution Digital Imagery of Individual Trees. 16th Canadian Symposium of Remote Sensing - 8e congrès de l'Association québécoise de télédétection, Sherbrooke, June 7-10, p. 829-834.

Edwards, G. & K.E. Lowell, 1992. Spatial Considerations for Forest Canopy Modelling and Biomass Estimation Based on Remotely Sensed Data. Proceedings of the GIS'92 Symposium, Vancouver, February 10-13, 8 p., (no page number).

Edwards, G., O. Chuzel & K.P.B. Thomson, 1992. An Expert System for Helping Forest Managers Choose among Data Sources of Remotely Sensed Imagery. Proceedings of the GIS'92 Symposium, Vancouver, February 10-13, 10 p. (no page number).

Edwards, G., 1992. The Integration of Remotely Sensed Data Analysis into GIS: Time and Uncertainty Management Needs. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on GIS, Ottawa, March 24-26, p. 432-440.

Edwards, G., K.P.B. Thomson & N. Eldridge, 1992. Regeneration Stocking Derived from High Resolution Airborne Imagery Via Texture Measurements. Proceedings of the GIS'92 Symposium, Vancouver, February 10-13, 6 p. (no page number).

Thomson, K.P.B., A. Jaton, G. Edwards, J. Pouliot & A. TourÉ, 1992. Analyse des donnÉes ROS multibandes et multipolarisation en milieu agricole. Comptes rendus du 15e Symposium canadien sur la télédétection, Toronto, 1-4 juin, p. 227-232.

Touré, A., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards, R.J. Brown & B. Brisco, 1992. Adaptation du modèle MIMICS au contexte agricole: cas du blé et du colza. Comptes rendus du 15e Symposium canadien sur la télédétection, Toronto, 1-4 juin, p. 192-197.

Edwards, G., 1991. Archimage: Un outil de gestion des archives de la télédétection. Actes du 7e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Montréal, Octobre, p. 237-240.

Edwards, G., 1991. Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Geographic Information Systems: Laying the Groundwork for Total Integration. Proceedings of a Special Session held at the Baltimore 1991 ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention on the Integration of Remote Sensing and  GIS, p. 21-31.

Edwards, G., A. Jaton & K.P.B. Thomson, 1991. Manipulating Hyperspectral Data. Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Remote Sensing, Calgary, Alberta, p. 356-359.

Edwards, G., A. Jaton & K.P.B. Thomson, 1991. La manipulation de données hyperspectrales. Actes du 7e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Montréal, Octobre, p. 295-299.

Touré, A., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards, R.J. Brown & B. Brisco, 1991. Utilisation du modèle MIMICS pour modéliser le couvert agricole. Actes du 7e Congrès de l’Association Québécoise de Télédétection, Montréal, Octobre, p. 203-208.

Touré, A., K.P.B. Thomson, G. Edwards, R.J. Brown & B. Brisco, 1991. Backscattering Characteristics of Soil Using the Mimics Microwave Canopy Model. Proceedings of the 14th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Calgary, Alberta, p. 188-191.

7) Rehabilitation and Health Science (60 papers)

Fougeyrollas, P., N. Boucher, G. Edwards, Y. Grenier and L. Noreau. (2018). The Disability Creation Process Model : A Comprehensive Explanation of Disabling Situations As a Guide to Developing Policy and Service Programmes, Disability and Rehabilitation, accepted.


Yaagoubi, R., G. Edwards, T. Badard, 2017, Élaboration d’un modèle de données spatiales à inspiration cognitive pour assister la navigation des piétons non-voyants. Revue internationale de géomatique, sous presses.


Gamache, S., Y. Grenier, P. Fougeyrollas, G. Edwards, M. Mostafavi, 2017, Developing a Taxonomy of the Built Environment for Disability Studies - Methodological Insights. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, . Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 7(2), 236-265.


Edwards, G., A. Arfaoui, C. McLaren, P. McKeever, 2017, “Hybrid health research: Assembling and integrated arts/science methodological framework, Journal of Applied Arts and Health. 8(2): 175-192.


Morales, E., S. Lindsay, G. Edwards, C. Vincent, N. Yantzi, L. Howell, 2016, Addressing challenges for youths with mobility devices in winter conditions, Disability and Rehabilitation. 36: 2195-2204.


Morales, E., V. Gauthier, G. Edwards, A. Guerette, 2017, Co-designing Sex Toys for Adults with Motor Disabilities. Sexuality and Disability Journal. 35(3): 1-10.


Gharebaghi, A., M. A. Mostafavi, G. Edwards, P. Fougeyrollas, S. Gamache, Y. Grenier, 2016, Integration of the social environment in a mobility ontology for persons with disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation : Assistive Technology. 12(1): 1-10.


Morales, E., V. Gauthier, G. Edwards, F. Courtois, 2016, Masturbation practices of men and women with upper limb motor disabilities, Sexuality and Disability. 34: 1-15.


Yaagoubi, R., G. Edwards, T. Badard, M. A. Mostafavi, 2016, Enhancing the mental representations of space used by blind pedestrians, based on an image schemata model, Cognitive Processing. 13(4): 333-347


Morales, E., V. Gauthier, G. Edwards, F. Courtois, 2016, Women with Disabilities' Perceptions of Sexuality, Sexual Abuse and Masturbation, Sexuality and Disability. 34: 1-12.


Eardley, A., G. Edwards, F. Malouin, J. M. Kennedy, 2015, Allocentric Spatial Performance Higher in Early Blind and Sighted Adults than in Retinopathy-of-prematurity Adults, Perception, 45: 1-19


Lindsay S, E. Morales, N. Yantzi, C. Vincent, L. Howell, G. Edwards, 2015, The experience of participating in winter among youth with a physical disability compared to typically developing peers, Child: Care, Health and Development, 41: 1-9


Morales, E., S. Gamache, G. Edwards, 2014, Winter: Public Enemy #1 for Accessibility: Exploring New Solutions, Journal of Universal Design and Accessibility. 4(1): 29-51


Edwards, G., L. Noreau, N. Boucher, P. Fougeyrollas, Y. Grenier, B. J. McFadyen, E. Morales, and C. Vincent, 2014, Disability, Rehabilitation Research and Post-Cartesian Embodied Ontologies – Has the Research Paradigm Changed? Research in Social Science and Disability, 8: 73-102


McLaren, C., S. Ruddick, G. Edwards, K. Zabjek and P. McKeever, 2012, Children’s Movement in an Integrated Kindergarten Classroom: Design, Methods and Preliminary Findings, Children, Youth and Environments, 22(1): 145-177


McLaren, C., G. Edwards, S. Ruddick, K. Zabjek and P. McKeever, 2011, Kindergarten kids in motion: Rethinking inclusive classrooms for optimal learning, Educational & Child Psychology, 28(1): 100-113


Yaagoubi, R., & G. Edwards, 2008, Cognitive Design in Action : Designing Assistive Technology for Situational Awareness in the Blind, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, Volume 3(5): 241-252.


Michon, P.-E., D. Duguay & G. Edwards, 2007, Fondements et approche d’un modèle cognitive du déplacement, Cybergeo, Sélection des meilleurs articles de SAGEO 2005,



Edwards, G. (2016). Augmented Corporality – Last Mile Interventions for People with Disabilities, Keynote presentation, IEEE

Kiss, J., G. Edwards, M.-L. Bourbeau, 2015, Enhancing Embodied Feelings for Training Musical Expression using the Sensorial Corset, 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, June, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 4 pp.


Edwards, G., F. Courtois, N. Dubé, E. Morales, L. Velasco, 2015, Pro(x)thèse - An Interactive Installation That Enables The Exploration Of Sexuality, Disability And Self Image, .4th ISCoS and ASIA Joint Scientific Meeting, May, Montreal, Canada


Noreau, L., N. Boucher, G. Edwards, P. Fougeyrollas, F. Routhier and C. Vincent, 2015, Chapter 33: Enhancing Independent Community Access and Participation : Services, Technologies and Policies, Dietz, V. and N. Ward (eds.). Handbook on Neurorehabilitation, pp. 399-418.


Edwards, G., M.-L. Bourbeau, G. Ligozat, R. Dupéré, D. Duguay, 2013, Exploring and Reasoning About Perceptual Spaces for Theatre, New Media Installations and the Performing Arts, in Raubal, M. and A. Frank (eds.), Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp. 271-287


Yaagoubi, R., G. Edwards, M.A. Mostafavi, 2013, Elaborating a Cognitively Enriched Semantic Conceptual Model for Spatial Data Infrastructures to help Blind Pedestrians Navigate in Urban Areas. Proceedings of the GSDI International Conference 13, Québec, Canada, 2012-05-04, pp. 1-16


Yaagoubi, R., G. Edwards & T. Badard, 2009, Standards and Spatial Data Infrastructures to help the navigation of blind pedestrians in urban areas, International Conference on Data Management, Taylor and Francis, in press.


Bourassa, R., & G. Edwards, 2007, La réalité mixte, les mondes virtuels et la géomatique : de nouveaux enjeux, GeoCongrès International, Québec, Québec,


Edwards, G., & M.L. Bourbeau, 2008, A Resonant Installation for Low Vision, Proceedings Vision 2008, Montreal, CDROM.


Edwards, G., A. Eardley, F. Malouin, M. Viger, R. Yaagoubi & D. Lambiel, 2006, Assistive Navigational Devices that Incorporate Principles of Spatial Cognition and Imagery, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Cognitive Processing 7 (suppl. 1), S174


Edwards, G., & M.L. Bourbeau, 2009, Beyond Spatially Embodied Design?, International Conference on Cultural Knowledge and the Healthy Society, OCAD, Toronto, November 24.


Bourassa, R., G. Edwards & M.L. Bourbeau, 2009, Son, espace et corporéité : effets de présence et performativité sonore dans un théâtre expérientiel, Journées d’étude-CRI-CNRS : Rencontres à Paris, les 20 et 21 novembre.


Edwards, G., M.L. Bourbeau & D. Duguay, 2009, Une boîte à outils pour la présence virtuelle au laboratoire EMIR, Colloque sur la présence et la performativité, Montréal, Octobre.


Edwards, G., 2009, Le tango à la mode - une expression centenaire de son identité adaptative, Colloque interdisciplinaire sur le Tango, culture et santé, Trois-Rivières, mai.


Edwards, G., E. Biddiss & M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, Embodied Delight : The New Adventures of Dr. Theopolis and the Magic Carpet, 3rd Annual Bloorview Research Institute Symposium, November 18, Toronto.


Edwards, G., & M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, Des installations transformatrices pour la réadaptation, Invited presentation at the Conférences-midi du CIRRIS, Québec, September.


Edwards, G., 2008, Identity, Disability and the City, Invited presentation at the HCTP Annual Conference, Toronto, May.


Edwards, G., & M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, La respiration comme outil pour chercher un meilleur équilibre et contrôle des mouvements chez les aveugles, March, Invited presentation for the Visual Deficits Clinic, IRDPQ, Québec.


Edwards, G., & M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, A l’interface du reel et du virtuel – le sens de la périphérie au 21e siècle, Invited presentation at the Journée d’étude LAMIC, Québec, March.


Edwards, G., 2008, Embodiment in Action – Experiences and Installations on the Periphery of the Real and the Virtual, Invited presentation for the Course on Embodiment, University of Toronto, February.


Edwards, G., & M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, The Hidden Magician : A Partnership Project for the Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Geomatics and Bloorview Kids Rehab, Invited presentation for Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto, February 2008.


Edwards, G., & M. L. Bourbeau, 2007, Conversations with the Inner Body – Moving Into and Beyond Pain, Invited paper for the Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop in Health Care, Technology and Place, University of Toronto


Edwards, G., 2007, Resonant Installations, Invited presentation at the opening course of Health Settings, Technology and Place, University of Toronto, January.


Edwards, G., 2007, Le design cognitif et les technologies d’aide aux personnes à déficit visuel, Présentation invitée pour la Journée scientifique du CRIR/CIRRIS, May.


Edwards, G., 2007, La conscience corporel et l’espace – plaidoyer pour une ouverture de l’esprit scientifique, Présentation invitée pour la 10e symposium en santé de la vision, Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille, February, Montréal


Edwards, G., 2006, Designing for Safety, Invited keynote presentation at the Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Aging, Geriatrics and Rehabilitation, London, Ontario, November.


Edwards, G., 2016, Towards an ecological understanding of disability and rehabilitation: theory and practice. G.F. Strong Monthly Scholar Presentations, Vancouver, Canada (invited speaker)

Edwards, G., 2016, Towards an ecological understanding of disability and rehabilitation: questions and reflections, Research Lunch Rounds at G.F. Strong Research Centre, Vancouver, Canada (invited speaker)

Edwards, G., 2016, Smart garments for rehabilitation. British Columbia Institute of Technology Make+ Presentations, Vancouver, Canada (invited speaker)

Edwards, G., 2015, La géomatique au service des personnes à mobilité réduite. Journées québécoises des lésions médullaires, Québec, Canada (keynote speaker)

Edwards, G., 2014, L'espace incarné - explorations aux croisements du corps et de l'environnement. Séminaires du Centre de recherche en géomatique, Québec, Canada (invited speaker)

Edwards, G., 2014, La navigation et les environnements intelligents pour des personnes en situation d'handicap – des enjeux pour la géomatique. Innovations Santé 2014, Québec, Canada (invited speaker)

Edwards, G., 2014, Métissages de réalités virtuelle, augmentée et physique au service de la réadaptation, Colloque réadaptation - technologies d'aide 2014, Québec, Canada (keynote speaker)

Yaagoubi, R., G. Edwards, T. Badard, 2006, Élaborer une approche d'assistance à la navigation à inspiration cognitive pour les personnes souffrantes d'une incapacité visuelle majeure, dans Actes de colloque pour la conférence Géomatique 2006, 25 et 26 Octobre 2006, Montréal.

Yaagoubi, R., G. Edwards, & T. Badard, 2006, Increasing safety and its perception among people who suffer from a major visual impairment, through a systemic approach focused on the person, First International Conference on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality (séance d’affichage), Banff, May

Lambiel, D., G. Edwards & M. Viger, 2006, Aider à la restauration du couplage entre le ”où” et le ”quoi” chez les personnes atteintes d’une incapacité visuelle partielle. First International Conference on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality (séance d’affichage), Banff, May


Yaagoubi, R. & G. Edwards, 2006, Increasing safety and its perception among people who suffer from a major visual impairment, through a systemic approach focused on the person, Journée scientifique et pédagogique de l’Institut de réadaptation et déficiscience physique du Québec, mai.

Lambiel, D., G. Edwards & M. Viger, 2006, Aider à la restauration du couplage entre le ”où” et le ”quoi” chez les personnes atteintes d’une incapacité visuelle partielle. Journée scientifique de l’Institut de réadaptation et déficiscience physique du Québec, mai.


Edwards, G., and M.L. Bourbeau, 2008, November, Workshop for children with disability to evaluate the relevance of new technologies, Bloorview Kids Rehab.


Edwards, G., M.L. Bourbeau and M. Lebourdais, 2008, September, Meeting with adolescents from the IRDPQ to improve understanding of life challenges and how appropriate transformative installations can be developed


Edwards, G., and M.L. Bourbeau, 2008, July, Workshop for researchers and clinicians to refine the design of transformative installations for children with disability, Bloorview Kids Rehab


Edwards, G., and M. L. Bourbeau, 2008, February, Presentation of a planned study for evaluating the role of breathing for the blind to the clinicians of the program for adults with visual deficits at the IRDPQ.

8) Spatial Reasoning, Linguistics and Cognitive Geomatics (26 papers)

Khelfallah, M., R. Jeansoulin & G. Edwards, 2003, Piecewise Revision for Geographic Information, Proceedings of the 6th AGILE Conference.

Edwards, G., 2002. Reasoning about Shape using the Tangential Axis Transform of the Shape's 'Grain'. Chapter 1 in Coventry, K. R. & Olivier, P. (edts), Spatial Language: Cognitive and Computational Perspectives, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 1-18.

Brodeur, J., Y. Bédard, B. Moulin &  G. Edwards,  2001.  Geosemantics proximity and data fusion. International Specialists Workshop on Geoinformation fusion and revision, organized by GEOIDE, REVIGIS and MURMUR, Québec City, April 10-11.

Edwards, G., A. Gryl, G. Ligozat & B. Moulin, 1997. Sémantique des expressions spatiales: coment parle-t-on des données géographiques. Actes de la la Conférence RIAO'97, Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet, MontrÉal, June, p. 721-730.

Edwards, G., 1997. Reasoning about shape using the tangential axis transform (TAT) or the shape's "grain". AAAI-97, Rhode Island, July, 27-28.

Gryl, A. & G. Edwards, 1997. Descriptions in natural language and cartographic generalization: similar functionalities? 2nd Workshop on Progress in Automated Generalization, Suéde, June, 21-27.

Gryl, A., G. Edwards & G. Ligozat, 1997. Pivot representations for modeling space. Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Japan, August.

Edwards, G. & B. Moulin, 1996. Vers l’utilisation du modéle Voronoi pour la simulation d’images mentales spatiales. Colloque Informatique & langue naturelle, I.L.N., Nantes, France, 9-10 octobre, p. 233-248.

Gryl, A., G. Ligozat & G. Edwards, 1996. Spatial and temporal elements of route descriptions. Spatial and Temporal Reasoning. AAAI-96 Workshop Program, Thirteenth National Conference on Aritificial Intelligence, Portland, Oregon, August, p. 33-38.

Edwards, G., G. Ligozat, A. Gryl, L. Fraczak, B. Moulin, C.M. Gold, 1996. AI-based pivot representation of spatial concepts and its application to route descriptions expressed in natural language. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference SDH'96, Spatial Data Handling, M.J. Kraak, M. Molenaar (eds), Delft, The Netherlands, August, p. 7B1-7B15.

Edwards, G., G. Ligozat, A. Gryl, L. Fraczak, B. Moulin, C.M. Gold, 1995. Un modéle pivot pour la représentation de l’espace basé sur les diagrammes de Voronoi: application aux descriptions d’itinéraires en langage naturel. Compte rendu des journées CASSINI, Marseille, France, Novembre, p. 1-27.

Edwards, G. & B. Moulin, 1995. Towards the simulation of spatial mental images using the Voronoi model. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-95), Workshop on representation and processing of spatial expressions, Montreal, August 26-28, p. 63-73.

Edwards, G., 1991. Spatial Knowledge for Image Understanding. In D.M. Mark and A.U. Frank (eds.), Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space. Chapitre de livre, Madrid, Spain, July 8-20, p. 295-307.


Brodeur, J., Y. Bédard, B. Moulin &  G. Edwards,  2001.  Geosemantics proximity and data fusion. International Specialists Workshop on Geoinformation fusion and revision, organized by GEOIDE, REVIGIS and MURMUR, Québec City, April 10-11.

9) Visioning (24 papers)

Edwards, G., 2007, Living in the Twenty-first Century – From Orthodoxy to Paradoxy, 250 pp., manuscript.


Edwards, G., 2002, Cognitive Geomatics, 350 pp., in preparation for publication


Edwards, G., 2007, 21st Century Musings – From Orthodoxy to Paradoxy, blog, (12 posts from April 29, 2007 to May 22, 2007 as follows : Introduction to 21st Century Musings; Moving Away from Orthodoxy – A Portrait of Our Times; The Demographics of Change; Population Growth versus Environmental Activism; What is a Paradox?; The Importance of Paradox in a Convergent World; Timing and Dynamics – Towards the Collapse of Several Socio-economic Bubbles; Convergent End States and the Post-Sustainable Society; The Changing Nature of Identity; On Relationships; On Children; On Change, Action and Paradox)

Edwards, G., 2007, Paradoxes and Consequences, blog, (2 posts from May 22, 2007 to May 26, 2007 as follows : Opening Statement; Institutions that must and will change)

10) Miscellaneous (3 papers)

Fertas, S., & G. Edwards, 2005, Gestion urbistique du désastre dans les  agglomerations: une approche systémique,  Second International Conference on Urbistics, Montreal, May, 2005.


Mackaness, W., and G. Edwards. (2002). The importance of modeling pattern and structure in automated map generalization, Proceedings of the joint ISPRS/ICA workshop on multi-scale representations of spatial data.

Edwards, G., 1995. Using software tutorials for post-graduate teaching in geomatics. Proceedings of the XVth North American Geomatics Teachers Conference, Quebec, May 29-31, p. 141-148.

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